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Services Provided by AAC&C

Pouring Sand

Individual Therapy

Investing in your Wellness

Life throws many surprises at us, and while we cannot predict the outcome of any situation, we can take control of how we respond to certain situations. With engaging in individual therapy, you’ll learn about acceptance and how to exert your power of choice over whatever life may throw at you. I use a treatment called Eye Movement Sensitization and Reprocessing Therapy (EMDR) to help clients work through the past, enjoy the present, and find hope in the future. Each session is about 50 minutes ($120 self-pay fee, some insurance accepted) and it is preferable to meet weekly. Hop on over to the Individual Therapy page to learn more.

Zen Garden

Individual EMDR Consultation

Investing in Professional Excellence

So you finished EMDR Training, now what? You know that EMDR changes people's lives but are unsure of how to integrate that into your own practice. Being an EMDR Clinician is exciting but also can bring up feelings of imposter syndrome and anxiety. I've been there! With EMDR individual consultation, you will enter a judgement-free zone. As your individual EMDR consultant, I will provide a supportive environment that is tailored to your practice, setting, and professional goals. Each individual consultee will work with me to establish an individual development plan that will act as a guide of how YOU develop as an EMDR clinician. Each individual consultation session is about 50 minutes and is designed to go through case consultation, answer procedural questions, and measure the fidelity of EMDR practice. Each individual consultation session is $120. I offer a consultation package at a reduced price and discounted rates for therapists in the Community Mental Health Field.

Studying at Home

Group Consultation

Guidance & Inspiration

Looking for guidance and support within the EMDR Community? Joining Group consultation is a way to relate to and learn from other clinicians as they share their experiences of using EMDR within their practice. Group Consultation is designed for each clinician to briefly present cases, address procedural questions, work through stuck points, and share resources. Group consultation is scheduled for about 50 minutes and has no more than 4 consultees in each group. Each group consultation session is $25. I also provide a group consultation package at a reduced price. Reduced Pricing is also available to those working in the Community Mental Health Field.

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